The Pastor's Corner...

* Article was published in the March edition of The Herald; a monthly publication of Green Hill Baptist Church.

“He is not here, for He is risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying.” 
Matthew 28:6 (NASB)

No matter how many times I ponder the story of the resurrection, I pause every time I read those words, “He is not here, for He is risen…” Jesus, the One whom the disciples had committed their lives to and followed. Jesus, the One for whom they were persecuted and ridiculed for believing in. This Jesus had been crucified. His body had been placed in a borrowed tomb that was sealed by order of Pilate to ensure no room for a conspiracy – including a resurrection. Nevertheless, it was discovered on that first Easter morning, that the stone had been rolled away and the body of Jesus was gone; it was not removed, it was resurrected!

Of course, the phrase, “just as He said,” puts an exclamation point on the entire story – including the life and ministry of Jesus, the Messiah. Who, other than Jesus, has ever said that they would die and rise again? Not only did He rise again on the third day, but for 3.5 years He had prophesied that it was going to happen. “…for He is risen; just as He said.”

We are invited to see and believe the evidence; “Come, see the place where He was lying.” In other words, investigate this claim for yourself. The evidence is undeniable. His power and presence are also undeniable. You see, the resurrection not only reminds us of God’s power available to us, but also, His presence with us. Thirteen verses later, we read these words: 
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (vv. 19-20)
Church, we are commanded to go and reach the nations with the gospel. In reaching them, we are also commanded to teach them what it means to live out the gospel. Notice the two-fold promise that we are given along with our commission. We are promised not only His power to complete the mission, but also His presence, which accompanies us in the mission. 

This assures me that I have everything I need to live the life God has called me to live. This also assures me that ultimately, even in the face of many challenges, I cannot fail. I believe this was (in part) on the mind of Jesus when He said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10b)

There is nothing greater than living for Jesus and fulfilling the mission He has given to us. My prayer is that we would continue to take serious what it means to be His church, and that we would commit ourselves to the Great Commission. There is urgency in what we are doing. There is no time to sit back and just enjoy the ride. Complacency and apathy must be removed from the equation. There are millions who are lost; many of them have never heard the name of Jesus.

Let’s embrace His power and enjoy His presence. Let’s go! Happy Easter!

Serving Together,
Pastor Brett