The Pastor's Corner

*Article was published in the November edition of The Herald; a monthly publication of Green Hill Baptist Church

“Where there is no vision, the people perish…”
Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

Vision is the blueprint for charting the course and setting the correct navigational coordinates. Where there is no vision, the people perish; to use a common expression, “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.” In other words, where there is no clear direction, people will wander around aimlessly and end up nowhere at all. Sadly, the world is filled with such people. Millions are wandering around in darkness, living with no purpose and meaning in life. Friends, God has given His people purpose and meaning. Redeeming us with the precious blood of His Son and filling us with the Holy Spirit, He has empowered us to live victoriously and to enjoy the riches of His glory.

It’s exciting to see what God is doing at Green Hill; it’s even more exciting that He has graciously invited us to join Him! There’s no greater purpose and meaning in life than being on mission with God. He has given us His vision for advancing His kingdom, but we must embrace the vision:

“We are a city on a hill engaging people with the Gospel of Christ in order to advance His kingdom to the ends of the earth for the glory of God.”

This is our course, but we must set the correct navigational coordinates of “Loving God. Loving Others. Making Disciples.” 

The Great Commandment and Great Commission reveal God’s heart for people, a heart that loves us and teaches us to love. In a world filled with hostility and hatred, there’s no greater witness of the Gospel than a people “showing” and “telling” of God’s love. Friends, that’s the very mission of the church. Jesus said that the world would know His disciples by their love for one another. Perhaps, it’s time for us to renew our commitment to that mission.

This is the purpose of our Fall Renewal on November 16-18. This is an important time in the life and ministry of our church as we renew our commitment to King Jesus, so please make every effort to join us. Rev. Jason Sturkie, Pastor of Donalds Baptist Church, will be our guest speaker. A panel discussion (Q & A) will be held on Sunday evening the 16th, so please submit your questions for consideration. You may place them in the box located in the lobby or simply email the church office. Let’s pray and prepare our hearts for what God has in store for us during our time of Fall Renewal.

Serving Together,
Pastor Brett