The Pastor's Corner

*Article was published in the August edition of The Herald; a monthly publication of Green Hill Baptist Church

August ushers in a very important time in the life and ministry of our church – the nomination and election of deacons. I’d like to take a moment and discuss what the Bible teaches regarding the office of deacon.

First of all, why do we have deacons? According to Acts 6:1-6 the early church was experiencing tremendous growth. They were growing numerically, but so were the number of needs within the congregation. Eventually needs were being neglected; specifically, the needs of widows. The elders realized that it was physically impossible for them alone to effectively and efficiently tend to every need and care for every person. Therefore, the congregation appointed seven men to assist the elders in ministry. Those chosen were given the responsibility to care for the physical needs of the congregation, which freed up the elders to address spiritual needs through prayer and ministry of the word (v. 4). Elders were responsible for praying and preaching, so they alone could not tend to the vast needs of the flock. Certainly, deacons are vital to the ministry of the church.

Secondly, who may serve as a deacon? 1 Timothy 3:8-13 gives specific qualifications for anyone nominated to serve as a deacon. Let’s briefly look at each one:

I urge you to begin praying for our deacon nomination and election process. We have a tremendous responsibility before us to choose qualified men who also have a passion to serve. Men, whom we will appoint, will have a vital part in the next chapter of ministry at Green Hill.

Serving Together,
Pastor Brett